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Performance Breeder Elite Mineral

The product of choice in situations where organic trace mineral supplementation is desirable. This includes herds with poor reproductive performance, herds that desire maximum reproductive performance, herds that have previously been on a low plane of nutrition, and herds in which trace mineral antagonists such as molybdenum, sulfates and iron are present at high levels.

Performance Hi-Mag Mineral 14

Formulated for cattle on lush rapidly growing pastures that are low in magnesium. Feed until grass growth slows and the pasture dries out.

Performance Breeder Elite Mineral C1120 Altocid

Our Performance Breeder Mineral, containing the health promoter chlortetracycline, and the fly control IGR which stops the fly cycle.

Performance 2:1 C2240

A 12% calcium and 6% phosphorus mineral containing high levels of chlortetracycline for the control of bacterial pneumonia associated with shipping fever complex caused by Pasteurella spp. susceptible to chlortetracycline.

Performance Breeder Select

Similar to our Performance Breeder Plus, the Breeder Select does not contain chelated copper, zinc, cobalt, and manganese.

Performance 18-8 Mineral

Formulated to supplement the diets of range and pasture cattle and cattle consuming stored forages. Designed to supplement phosphorus intake during lactation and when low phosphorus forages are being fed.

Performance Pasture Mineral

An economical source of vitamin and trace minerals and designed to be fed at 4 ounces per head per day.

Performance 18-8 Mineral/IGR/CTC

Formulated to supplement the diets of range and pasture cattle consuming stored forages. Designed to supplement phosphorus intake during lactation and when low phosphorus forages are being fed. This product contains the health promoter chlortetracycline, and the fly control IGR which stops the fly cycle.

Performance Pasture Mineral C560 Altosid

An economical source of vitamin and trace minerals and designed to be fed at 4 ounces per head per day. This product contains the health promoter chlortetracycline, and the fly control IGR which stops the fly cycle.

Performance Pasture Plus Mineral RU 1200

A mixing mineral designed for beef cattle on pasture or range. Formulated with monensin for increases in weight gain (pastured slaughter, stocker, feeder cattle and dairy and beef replacement heifers).

Contact a specialist today to learn more!
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